European/Latin America Homework and Daily Announcements
Unit 8 - Cold War
Tuesday 6/20/17
Have a great summer!!
Daily Activities:
No class
Journal Entry:
Monday 6/19/17
Daily Activities:
No class
Journal Entry:
Friday 6/16/17
Daily Activities:
Final exam
Both the Cold War HW packet and journals are due today
Journal Entry:
Thursday 6/15/17
Study for final
Daily Activities:
No class finals for 1st and 2nd
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 6/14/17
Study for final
Daily Activities:
Film Gallery Walk and Jigsaw
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 6/13/17
Work on film jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Study day for finals
Journal Entry:
Monday 6/12/17
Work on film jigsaw
Daily Activities:
No class, graduation day (we only have 1st and 2nd)
Journal Entry:
Friday 6/9/17
Work on film jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Work day film jigsaw
Journal Entry:
Thursday 6/8/17
Work on film jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Work day film jigsaw
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 6/7/17
Work on film jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Senior IB presentations - Reagan
Taken films for presentation thing assignment
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 6/6/17
Finish last the HW from last night
Daily Activities:
Senior IB presentations - 1989
Journal Entry:
Monday 6/5/17
Critically read Ronald Reagan and Executive Power
Due Wednesday 6/7/17
Daily Activities:
Senior IB presentations - Gorbachev
Journal Entry:
Friday 6/2/17
Read and take notes from Keylor pages 452-455 Read the section titled Gorbachev: Glasnost, Perstroika, and Arms Control
Critically read Gorbachev's Speech to the UN
Due Monday 6/5/17
Daily Activities:
Increased Tensions and the further crumbling of Soviet Power
Journal Entry:
Thursday 6/1/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 389-392 start at The Renewal of the Nuclear Arms Race, end at Turmoil in South Asia
Daily Activities:
Detente, and the crumbling of Soviet power
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/31/17
Read and take notes from keylor - Read 364-369 first, it will make more sense that way...
- 341-344 start at The Super Powers Endorse European Detente, end at The Middle East as Perennial Hot Spot
- 364-369 start at The Basis of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, end at Indochina's Thirty Years War
- Just skim this part, figure out why the relationship between China and the USSR fell apart
Daily Activities:
Start Detente
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 5/30/17
Read and take notes from Keylor...
- 324-327 Start at the beginning of the chapter, end at Moscow's Achievement of Strategic Parity
- 328-332 Read the section titled Breakthrough in Arms Control: Salt I
- Due Wednesday 5/31
Daily Activities:
Finish Cuban Rev. Cold War issues in Cuba, start Detente
Journal Entry:
Friday 5/26/17
None, enjoy the long weekend.
Daily Activities:
Debrief film, start Cuban Rev.
Journal Entry:
Thursday 5/25/17
Finish HW from last night
Daily Activities:
Finish Motorcycle Diaries
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/24/17
Critically read BIBF on the Cuban Revolution.
Due Friday 5/26/17
Daily Activities:
Motorcycle Diaries
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 5/23/17
Critically read Che on the 20th Century
Due Wednesday 5/24/17
Daily Activities:
Started Motorcycle Diaries
Journal Entry:
Monday 5/22/17
Critically read Che's Early Commentary from his Travels
Due Tuesday 5/23/17
Daily Activities:
Finished Cold War build up
Journal Entry:
Friday 5/19/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 317-322, Start at Moscow's Ally in America's Backyard and finish the chapter
Due Monday 5/22/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 5/18/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 313-317, start at The Formation of an Inter-American security System, end at Moscow's Ally in America's Backyard
- Consider the impacts of of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
- What was America's involvement during this time period (have specific examples)
- Due Friday 5/19/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/17/17
Read and take notes from Keylor from 306-313, start at The Anomally of Berlin, end at The Formation of an Inter-American Security System
- Consider why things escalated so much during this time period between the East and West
- Due Thursday 5/18/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 5/16/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 292-297, Start at Moscow's Concilatory Gestures, end at The Pursuit of Non-Alignment in the "Third World"
- Consider the impacts Stalin's death had on the relationship between the East and West
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Monday 5/15/17
Read and take notes from Keylor pages 277-278 (Just read the section titled Nuclear Anxieties and NSC-68) and 281-285 (all)
- Make sure you are taking notes on the Schuman Plan, and consider the implications of Stalin's Death
- Due Tuesday 5/16/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Friday 5/12/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 270-277, Start at The Struggle for Germany, end at The Rearmament of the West
- Due Monday 5/15/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 5/11/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 263-270, start at The Advent of Containment, end at The Struggle for Germany
- Skip The United States Supports West European Economic Recovery & The Creation of a Liberal Capitalist Economic Order
- Due Friday 5/12/17
Daily Activities:
Complete the instructions on the Telegrams PowerPoint
- Long Telegram Excerpts
- Novikov Telegram Excerpts
- Due at the end of the period.
Wednesday 5/10/17
Finish HW from last night
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
•Read Our America and consider the following questions
–What is Marti’s perspective?
–Do the leaders that have nationalized LA represent the feelings of the LA people?
–Do you think, based off of this read, indigenous peoples of LA would have rebelled?
Tuesday 5/9/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 255-263
Start at Soviet Control of Eastern Europe, end at The Advent of Containment
- Due Thursday 5/11/17
Daily Activities:
ISI and the Latin American Response
Journal Entry:
•What was the Molotov Plan?
•Explain the differences between the Molotov Plan and the Marshall Plan.
•How could this lead to increased tension between the “East” and “West?”
Monday 5/8/17
Read ISI Vargas & Nationalism.
- You don't need to take notes or critically read, just answer the questions (that is what I am going to stamp).
- ISI Vargas & Nationalism Questions
Due Tuesday 5/9/17
Daily Activities:
Catching up in Latin America - US Control
Journal Entry:
•What do you know about the Cold War, what do you want to know?
Unit 7 - WWII
Friday 5/5/17
WWII HW Packet & Journals - remember these need to be ready to go at the beginning of the period
Read and take notes from Keylor pages 206-217, start at The Era of Indirect Hegemony, end at Latin American Support for the US War Effort
Due Monday 5/8/17
Daily Activities:
WWII Assessment
Journal Entry:
Thursday 5/4/17
Study for WWII Assessment
Daily Activities:
Finish up WWII, Eastern Holocaust
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/3/17
Study for WWII Assessment
Daily Activities:
Finish WWII, political division of Europe (the 3 Conferences)
Massacre at Dachau
Journal Entry:
Which battle do you think had the greatest impact on WWII in Europe?
Tuesday 5/2/17
Read and take notes from Spielvogel 861-864
Daily Activities:
Market Garden
Battle of the Bulge
Firebombing of Dresden
Fall of Berlin - Never received the email with the presentation, I don't have it to give.
Journal Entry:
Monday 5/1/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 185-190
Daily Activities:
Operation Citadel
Operation Overlord
Opening scenes to Saving Private Ryan
Journal Entry:
Friday 4/28/17
Read and take notes from Spielvogel 855-861
Battle of the Baltics
El-Alamein, Operation Torch
Italian Campaign
Watched some of Patton
Journal Entry:
Thursday 4/27/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 180-185
Daily Activities:
Operation Barbarossa, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad
Watched first few minutes of Enemy at the Gates
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 4/26/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 175-181
Daily Activities:
Battle of Atlantic
Battle of Britain
Operation 25 & Operation Marita
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/25/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 170-175
Daily Activities:
WWII Battles Presentations due today
Journal Entry:
Monday 4/24/17
Daily Activities:
Battles Project Work time
Battles Project due tomorrow before school - you will lose points if I don't receive a copy of you presentation before school
Journal Entry:
Friday 4/21/17
Daily Activities:
Holocaust Guest Speaker
Journal Entry:
Thursday 4/20/17
Read the bio for out guest speaker tomorrow. You don't need to critically read or take notes, it will give you context for what he will be talking about.
Daily Activities:
Finish Case White
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 4/19/17
Daily Activities:
Work time in library for WWII Battles Project
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/18/17
Daily Activities:
Case White - Hitler's Paranoia
Battles Project Draft
Journal Entry:
What do you know/want to know about WWII?
Monday 4/17/17
Figure out your top 3-4 battles, get me your list of who is in your group
Battles Project
Presentation Rubric
Daily Activities:
Spanish Civil War
Final Lead in to WWII
Intro Battles Project
Journal Entry:
How was break?
Friday 4/7/17
Have a great break!
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
Thursday 4/6/17
Compile HW Packet and journals for unit 6
Remember your stamp sheet is due tomorrow
Daily Activities:
Soph project work time
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
WWII HW Packet & Journals - remember these need to be ready to go at the beginning of the period
Read and take notes from Keylor pages 206-217, start at The Era of Indirect Hegemony, end at Latin American Support for the US War Effort
Due Monday 5/8/17
Daily Activities:
WWII Assessment
Journal Entry:
Thursday 5/4/17
Study for WWII Assessment
Daily Activities:
Finish up WWII, Eastern Holocaust
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/3/17
Study for WWII Assessment
Daily Activities:
Finish WWII, political division of Europe (the 3 Conferences)
Massacre at Dachau
Journal Entry:
Which battle do you think had the greatest impact on WWII in Europe?
Tuesday 5/2/17
Read and take notes from Spielvogel 861-864
- Start at Aftermath of the War, finish the chapter
Daily Activities:
Market Garden
Battle of the Bulge
Firebombing of Dresden
Fall of Berlin - Never received the email with the presentation, I don't have it to give.
Journal Entry:
Monday 5/1/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 185-190
- Start at Allied Plans for Liberated Europe, end at Destruction of European Jews
- Due Tuesday 5/2/17
Daily Activities:
Operation Citadel
Operation Overlord
Opening scenes to Saving Private Ryan
Journal Entry:
Friday 4/28/17
Read and take notes from Spielvogel 855-861
- start at The Home Front, end at Aftermath of the War
- Due Monday 5/1/17
Battle of the Baltics
El-Alamein, Operation Torch
Italian Campaign
Watched some of Patton
Journal Entry:
Thursday 4/27/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 180-185
- Start at The Mediterranean Front, end at Allied Plans for Liberated Europe
- Due Friday 4/28/17
Daily Activities:
Operation Barbarossa, Siege of Leningrad, Battle of Stalingrad
Watched first few minutes of Enemy at the Gates
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 4/26/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 175-181
- Start at Mediterranean Diversions, end at Mediterranean Front
- Due Thursday 4/27/17
Daily Activities:
Battle of Atlantic
Battle of Britain
Operation 25 & Operation Marita
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/25/17
Read and take notes from Keylor 170-175
- Start at Poland's Demise & the Phony War, end at Mediterranean Diversons
- Due Wednesday 4/26/17
Daily Activities:
WWII Battles Presentations due today
- Phony War & the Winter War
- Operation Weserubung
- Case Yellow, Case Red, Operation Dynamo, & the rest of the battle of France
Journal Entry:
Monday 4/24/17
Daily Activities:
Battles Project Work time
Battles Project due tomorrow before school - you will lose points if I don't receive a copy of you presentation before school
Journal Entry:
Friday 4/21/17
Daily Activities:
Holocaust Guest Speaker
Journal Entry:
Thursday 4/20/17
Read the bio for out guest speaker tomorrow. You don't need to critically read or take notes, it will give you context for what he will be talking about.
Daily Activities:
Finish Case White
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 4/19/17
Daily Activities:
Work time in library for WWII Battles Project
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/18/17
Daily Activities:
Case White - Hitler's Paranoia
Battles Project Draft
Journal Entry:
What do you know/want to know about WWII?
Monday 4/17/17
Figure out your top 3-4 battles, get me your list of who is in your group
Battles Project
Presentation Rubric
Daily Activities:
Spanish Civil War
Final Lead in to WWII
Intro Battles Project
Journal Entry:
How was break?
Friday 4/7/17
Have a great break!
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
- Stamp Sheet Due
Thursday 4/6/17
Compile HW Packet and journals for unit 6
Remember your stamp sheet is due tomorrow
Daily Activities:
Soph project work time
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
- Final Due on by 10pm
Unit 6 - Time Between The Wars
Wednesday 4/5/17
Work on essay
Daily Activities:
Unit Assessment during my period
Unit 6 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/4/17
Daily Activities:
Final Writing Day in Lab
Journal Entry:
Monday 4/3/17
Daily Activities:
Peer edit 2nd rough draft during McGoorty's period
SS Work for today
Unit 6 HW Packet
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
Friday 3/31/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 3/30/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/29/17
Daily Activities:
Peer edit 1st Rough Draft
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
Tuesday 3/28/17
Daily Activities:
Nazi Propaganda Website
Propaganda Assignment
Journal Entry:
•What is propaganda?
•How is it used to influence you in your daily lives?
•Based on you understanding of Gleichschaltung how do you think the German people were persuaded to follow Nazi dogma?
Monday 3/27/17
Daily Activities:
Writing day in lab (McGoorty's time)
Journal Entry:
Friday 3/24/17
Read the two sections from Dark Continent and summarize them. You do not have to critically read or annotate, just summarize. Make sure that you have access to them, we will use them in class at some point.
Reminder that the CPU lab will be open on Sunday from 12-2 pm, come one, come all!
Daily Activities:
Peer Edit 4-Level Outline
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
Thursday 3/23/17
Work on essay
New video permission slip with signature line
Daily Activities:
Start Nazi Antisemitism & Nazi Propaganda
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/22/17
Print and have your parents sign the video permission slip for this and the next unit
Daily Activities:
Wiemar Republic
Summary of Concept of Gleichschaltung
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 3/21/17
Work on essay or Monday's homework
Daily Activities:
Wiemar Republic
Journal Entry:
Monday 3/20/17
Read and answer questions from the 6 articles - German Antisemitism Documents
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
Friday 3/17/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 3/16/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 809-815
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/15/17
Daily Activities:
Finish Stalinism start Fascism
Defining Fascism Articles
Defining Fascism Assignment
Hitlers Medical Practices
Journal Entry:
Was the Holodomor a genocide?
Sophomore Project:
Revised research question due (if changed from Monday)
Tuesday 3/14/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 805-809
Print Mussolini Viewing Guide
Due Wednesday 3/15/17
Daily Activities:
Stalinist Russia
Journal Entry:
What is Stalinism?
Monday 3/13/17
Research and annotate one of the following based on your group decisions....
Daily Activities:
Stalinist Russia
Journal Entry:
What makes the Keylor reading so difficult?
Sophomore Project:
Work on essay
Daily Activities:
Unit Assessment during my period
Unit 6 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 4/4/17
Daily Activities:
Final Writing Day in Lab
Journal Entry:
Monday 4/3/17
Daily Activities:
Peer edit 2nd rough draft during McGoorty's period
SS Work for today
Unit 6 HW Packet
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
- 2nd Rough Draft Due
- Cover Page Due
- Works Cited Due
Friday 3/31/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 3/30/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/29/17
Daily Activities:
Peer edit 1st Rough Draft
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project
- 1st Rough Draft Due
- Final Thesis Revision Sheet Due
Tuesday 3/28/17
Daily Activities:
Nazi Propaganda Website
Propaganda Assignment
Journal Entry:
•What is propaganda?
•How is it used to influence you in your daily lives?
•Based on you understanding of Gleichschaltung how do you think the German people were persuaded to follow Nazi dogma?
Monday 3/27/17
Daily Activities:
Writing day in lab (McGoorty's time)
Journal Entry:
Friday 3/24/17
Read the two sections from Dark Continent and summarize them. You do not have to critically read or annotate, just summarize. Make sure that you have access to them, we will use them in class at some point.
- Thursday 3/30/17
Reminder that the CPU lab will be open on Sunday from 12-2 pm, come one, come all!
Daily Activities:
Peer Edit 4-Level Outline
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
- 2nd outline due
- 2nd thesis due
Thursday 3/23/17
Work on essay
New video permission slip with signature line
Daily Activities:
Start Nazi Antisemitism & Nazi Propaganda
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/22/17
Print and have your parents sign the video permission slip for this and the next unit
- Due tomorrow 3/23/17
Daily Activities:
Wiemar Republic
Summary of Concept of Gleichschaltung
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 3/21/17
Work on essay or Monday's homework
Daily Activities:
Wiemar Republic
Journal Entry:
Monday 3/20/17
Read and answer questions from the 6 articles - German Antisemitism Documents
- Just answer the 5 questions at the end
- Due Thursday 3/23/17
Daily Activities:
- Peer Edit 3 level outline
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
- 1st outline due
- 1st thesis due
Friday 3/17/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 3/16/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 809-815
- Start at Hitler and Nazi Germany, end at The Soviet Union
- Due Friday 3/18/17
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/15/17
Daily Activities:
Finish Stalinism start Fascism
Defining Fascism Articles
Defining Fascism Assignment
Hitlers Medical Practices
Journal Entry:
Was the Holodomor a genocide?
Sophomore Project:
Revised research question due (if changed from Monday)
Tuesday 3/14/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 805-809
- Start at The Authoritarian and Totalitarian States, end at Hitler and Nazi Germany
Print Mussolini Viewing Guide
Due Wednesday 3/15/17
Daily Activities:
Stalinist Russia
Journal Entry:
What is Stalinism?
Monday 3/13/17
Research and annotate one of the following based on your group decisions....
- Execution by Hunger
- Gulag Horror Stories
- Due Tuesday 3/14/17
- Stalinism Propaganda Assignment
- Propaganda Techniques
- Due Friday 3/17/17
Daily Activities:
Stalinist Russia
Journal Entry:
What makes the Keylor reading so difficult?
Sophomore Project:
- All research due
- Research Question Due
Unit 5 - World War I, Russian Revolution, Mexican Revolution
Friday 3/10/17
Research and read Spielvogel 815-819
- Start at The Soviet Union, end at Authoritarianism Eastern Europe
- Prepare HW Packet and Journals
- Due Monday 3/13/17
Daily Activities:
End of Unit Quiz Start Stalin in Russia
Journal Entry:
Thursday 3/9/17
Study for exam
Daily Activities:
Russian Revolution Video
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/8/17
Study for exam
Daily Activities:
Sophomore project work time - Second Research Day in Library
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
Research day in library
Tuesday 3/7/17
Daily Activities:
Russian Revolution
Journal Entry:
Monday 3/6/17
Finish Russian Revolution Timeline
Due Tuesday 3/7/17
Daily Activities:
Russian Revolution Timeline
Journal Entry:
•Does the Mexican Constitution of 1917 (based on what you have read) create any real change in Mexico?
Friday 3/3/17
Research for the Sophomore Project
Daily Activities:
Sophomore project work time - First Research Day in Library
Journal Entry:
Sophomore Project:
Research day in library
Thursday 3/2/17
Research from...
- Spielvogel 781-787, start at War and Revolution, end at The Last Year of the War
- Keylor 83-85, start at Civil War and Allied Intervention in Russia, end at The Making of the Modern Middle East
- As you research fill out the Russian Revolution Research Guide. You will also be able to fill in some of these blanks as we watch the film. This is the information you will be tested on next week.
- If you don't find any information in your text regarding a figure or event research it on the internet (get good info, but you don't need to cite your websites). We are going to do an in class project on Monday with this.
- Due Monday 3/6/17
Daily Activities:
Finish Mexican Revolution
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 3/1/17
Daily Activities:
Mexican Revolution
Research and annotate one of the following, it doesn't matter which one
- Zapatistas
- Villistas
- Carrancistas
- Have a way to read or print off Constitution of 1917
- Due Thursday 3/2/17
Tuesday 2/28/17
Research and take notes from Keylor 194-198
- Start at The Era of Direct Domination, end at US Economic Expansion
- Due Wednesday 3/1/17
Daily Activities:
Mexican Revolution - Juarez to Madero
Diaz's Corruption
Journal Entry:
Monday 2/27/17
Research and annotate -
- Madero and the Failure of Democracy
- Print out Mexican Revolution Viewing Guide
- Due Tuesday 2/28/17
Daily Activities:
Finish WWI & Start Mexican Revolution
Journal Entry:
Monday 2/20/17-Friday 2/24/17
Mid-Winter Break
Friday 2/17/17
None have a great break
Daily Activities:
Turn in WWI Impacts Mini Essay by 10PM tonight
Journal Entry:
Thursday 2/16/17
Work on WWI Impacts MIni Essay
Daily Activities:
WWI Impacts Mini Essay work time
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 2/15/17
Work on Mini Essay
Daily Activities:
Social Impacts
Propaganda Examples
Journal Entry:
•Define propaganda
•Explain how propaganda impacts your daily life!
Tuesday 2/14/17
Work on Mini Essay
Complete the Cause of WWI Mini Essay Reflection
Print or have a way to access Propaganda Techniques
Due Wednesday 2/15/17
Daily Activities:
Trench Life
Journal Entry:
Monday 2/13/17
Research and take notes from Keylor
- Read the section titled Political and Economic Warfare 58-62
- Due Tuesday 2/14/17
Daily Activities:
Finish Battles Presentations, End WWI (From a battles perspective)
Journal Entry:
Friday 2/10/17
Complete the Group Participation Survey (See the resources tab)
Read and take notes from Spielvogel pages 787-793
- Start at The Last Year of the War finish the chapter
- This should help you prepare for your mini essay due next Friday.
- Due Monday 2/13/17
Daily Activities:
Battles Presentations Student Battles Presentations
- Gallipoli Group A
- Gallipoli Group B
- Ypres Group A
- Ypres Group B
- Isonzo Group A
- Isonzo Group B
- Jutland Group A
- Jutland Group B
- Verdun Group A
- Verdun Group B
- Somme Group A
- Somme Group B
- 2nd Marne Group A
- 2nd Marne Group B
Journal Entry:
Thursday 2/9/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 775-781
- Start at A New Kind of Warfare, end at War and Revolution
- Due Friday 2/10/17
Daily Activities:
Work time for presentations, we are still presenting on Friday
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 2/8/17
Research and take notes on Spielvogel 765-770
- Start at The War, end at Daily Life in the Trenches
- This will help put the battles into a greater perspective
- Skip The Excitement of War
- Due Thursday 2/9/17
Daily Activities:
WWI Battles Project work time - In Library
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 2/7/17
Enjoy the snow day
Optional Homework -
- Take a selfie of you doing something fun in the snow, or something non school related that I can show in class
- Take a selfie of you cooking something delicious
- Write a short story about what would happen if these two snow days were the start of the apocalypse and led to a dystopian world
- Email me so I can put it in the PP for tomorrow.
- Due Wednesday 2/8/17
Daily Activities:
Enjoy that snow!
Journal Entry:
Monday 2/6/17
Enjoy the snow day
Optional Homework -
- Take a selfie of you doing something fun in the snow, or something non school related that I can show in class
- Make a school appropriate meme from the Superbowl
- Contemplate the perfect snow day, write down or make an artistic representation of it
- Email them to me and I will start class with them on Tuesday
- Due Tuesday 2/7/17
Daily Activities:
No School snow day
Journal Entry:
Friday 2/3/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel -
- Page 770 Daily Life in the Trenches
Select one of the following articles on Trench Life and critically read it -
- Horrors of the Trenches - Trench Foot and Trench Lice
- Horrors of the Trenches - A Corpse to Stand On
- Horrors of the Trenches - Chlorine Gas
- Horrors of the Trenches - No Man's Land
- Self Inflicted Wounds in WWI
Due on Tuesday 2/7/17
Daily Activities:
Start of WWI -
- Assissination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
- First Battle of Marne
- Tannenberg Forest
Journal Entry:
Thursday 2/2/17
Work on Essay - Due by Sunday night at 10 pm on
Daily Activities:
Writing day for first mini-essay
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 2/1/17
Read either Keylor 43-47 or Spielvogel 761-765 (or both, but it's not required)
Write down notes on what the causes of WWI were
Formulate some ideas on what you believe was the single greatest factor that caused WWI (this is essentially your prep for writing the essay tomorrow).
Due Thursday 2/2/17
Daily Activities:
Writing Work
Journal Entry:
In your opinion what are the best and the worst parts about the essay that you read last night?
Tuesday 1/31/17
Read the example of an essay and complete the following items..
- What worked in the essay?
- What didn't work in the essay?
- Section the essay - Context, bts 1, 2, 3 etc...
- How did the use of evidence enhance the essay?
Daily Activities:
Studied the causes of WWI
What were the underlying causes of WWI
Myers PP on Causes of WWI
In class text on causes of WWI
Keylor 43-47
Spielvogel 761-765
European Era - Causes of WWI
Journal Entry:
Friday 1/27/17
Daily Activities:
Causes of WWI
Journal Entry:
If WWI was a Bar Fight
Thursday 1/26/17
Research Otto Von Bismarck in order to answer the following question - To what extent was Otto Von Bismarck an agent of change in Europe.
- Make sure your research includes what type of change Bismarck responsible for good or bad.
- Make sure you have examples of either good or bad changes that occurred as a result of Bismarck
- Be able to explain the opposite of your belief regarding Bismarck - In other words be able to argue both sides regardless of your opinion.
- I am looking for about 1-1.5 pages of notes
- Due Friday at the beginning of the period.
Daily Activities:
The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand
Causes of WWI - German Nationalism & Bismarck
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/25/17
Research Otto Von Bismarck in order to answer the following question - To what extent was Otto Von Bismarck an agent of change in Europe.
- Make sure your research includes what type of change Bismarck responsible for good or bad.
- Make sure you have examples of either good or bad changes that occurred as a result of Bismarck
- Be able to explain the opposite of your belief regarding Bismarck - In other words be able to argue both sides regardless of your opinion.
- I am looking for about 1-1.5 pages of notes
- Due Friday at the beginning of the period.
Daily Activities:
German Government & German Nationalism
Journal Entry:
How do you start a war?
Tuesday 1/24/17
Read Realpolitik of Otto Von Bismarck and Camillo di Cavour and answer the question at the top of the page. You do not have to annotate the document.
Daily Activities:
Russia - Before the Tsars to 1905 Revolution
Journal Entry:
Monday 1/23/17
Daily Activities:
Russia - Before the Tsars to 1905 Revolution
Journal Entry:
Unit 4 - Isms: Industrialism, Comunism, Socialism, Capitalism, & Nationalization
Thursday 1/19/17
Print and bring to class Russia Land of the Tsars View Guide
Daily Activities:
Final Exam
Study Guides:
Unit 4 - ISMS
Unit 3 - Enlightenment & French Revolution
Unit 2 - English Civil War & Absolutism
Unit 1 - Renaissance & Reformation
Unit 4 Homework Packet Due
Unit 4 Journals Due
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/18/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Study time for finals.
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 1/17/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Finish unit material for semester.
After school from 2:30-3:30 final review in our classroom.
Journal Entry:
Friday 1/13/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Reminders - Essay Reflection due by today, no late work will be accepted after today.
Journal Entry:
Thursday 1/12/17
Read 745-753 start at The New Imperialism, end at International Rivalry and the coming of war.
Daily Activities:
Nationalism, and unification of Italy/Germany
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/11/17
Critically read and annotate Mazzini on Nationality & German Racial Nationalism
Due Thursday 1/12/17
Essay Reflection - Due No later than Friday 1/13/17
Daily Activities:
Impact of European exit from LA
Liberlism in LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 1/10/17
Critically read and annotate Brazil in the 19th Centrury
Skim over Spielvogel pages 628-630 (The Revolt of Latin America) for background regarding revolutions in LA. You don't need to take notes on this, it's good information to understand for what we are doing tomorrow.
Due Wednesday 1/11/17
Daily Activities:
Socialism/Communism & European Liberalism
Revolutions of 1846
Journal Entry:
•What’s the difference between political and economic liberalism?
•Can you be a conservative and a liberal at the same time?
•What are the tenets of political liberalism?
Monday 1/9/17
Critically read and annotate Latin America's Post Colonial Blues
Have a way to read Revolutions of 1848 for tomorrow
Due Tuesday 1/10/17
Due Tuesday 1/10/17
Daily Activities:
LA Map Quiz
European Conservatism
Journal Entry:
Friday 1/6/17
Research and take notes from Sprielvogel on the following pages...
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 1/5/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel on the following pages...
Daily Activities:
Finished impacts of IR - society, living conditions, economics
Started impact of IR on government - the ISMS
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/4/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 706-716 (not as long as it sounds, really only about 5 pages of actual reading)
Daily Activities:
Finished factory/working conditions
Started impacts of the IR - society, living conditions, economics
Journal Entry:
Read the excerpt from Spielvogel and summarize what impact the 2IR had on women.
Tuesday 1/3/17
•Write a letter (two paragraphs or more) as a factory worker to your boss
•Your letter should be asking for better working conditions so you can live better, take care of your family, etc…
•This letter does not have to be in passive voice, but because it is from an employee to an employer it should be respectful
Due Wednesday 1/4/17
Daily Activities:
Conditions for workers in the IR
Journal Entry:
•What are the key aspects of an industrial revolution?
•Explain (based on what you know so far) if the Industrial Revolution in Britain has followed these aspects
•Be prepared to discuss as a class
12/21/16 - 1/2/17 1st Winter Break
Tuesday 12/20/16
None, have a great break
Daily Activities:
Jigsawed working conditions in the Industrial Revolution
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/19/16
Get into groups of 4 - you pick and split up the following articles, be prepared to discuss with your group tomorrow in class
Daily Activities:
Industrial Revolution development of new classes
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/16/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel
Daily Activities:
Start Industrial Revolution Background
Journal Entry:
Print and bring to class Russia Land of the Tsars View Guide
- This is for the next unit, it should not be included in the HW packet for unit 4
- Due Monday 1/23/17
Daily Activities:
Final Exam
Study Guides:
Unit 4 - ISMS
Unit 3 - Enlightenment & French Revolution
Unit 2 - English Civil War & Absolutism
Unit 1 - Renaissance & Reformation
Unit 4 Homework Packet Due
Unit 4 Journals Due
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/18/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Study time for finals.
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 1/17/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Finish unit material for semester.
After school from 2:30-3:30 final review in our classroom.
Journal Entry:
Friday 1/13/17
Study for finals
Daily Activities:
Reminders - Essay Reflection due by today, no late work will be accepted after today.
Journal Entry:
Thursday 1/12/17
Read 745-753 start at The New Imperialism, end at International Rivalry and the coming of war.
- I am not collecting this for HW in the packet or giving it a stamp it is a review of Imperialism, you are responsible for this information on the final. The questions on the final about this section will be broad and not overly specific.
Daily Activities:
Nationalism, and unification of Italy/Germany
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/11/17
Critically read and annotate Mazzini on Nationality & German Racial Nationalism
Due Thursday 1/12/17
Essay Reflection - Due No later than Friday 1/13/17
Daily Activities:
Impact of European exit from LA
Liberlism in LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 1/10/17
Critically read and annotate Brazil in the 19th Centrury
Skim over Spielvogel pages 628-630 (The Revolt of Latin America) for background regarding revolutions in LA. You don't need to take notes on this, it's good information to understand for what we are doing tomorrow.
Due Wednesday 1/11/17
Daily Activities:
Socialism/Communism & European Liberalism
Revolutions of 1846
Journal Entry:
•What’s the difference between political and economic liberalism?
•Can you be a conservative and a liberal at the same time?
•What are the tenets of political liberalism?
Monday 1/9/17
Critically read and annotate Latin America's Post Colonial Blues
Have a way to read Revolutions of 1848 for tomorrow
Due Tuesday 1/10/17
Due Tuesday 1/10/17
Daily Activities:
LA Map Quiz
European Conservatism
Journal Entry:
Friday 1/6/17
Research and take notes from Sprielvogel on the following pages...
- 635-638 Start at Nationalism, end at Revolution and Reform
- 678-680 Start at Marx and Marxism, end at Science and Culture in an Age of Realism
- Make sure you read The Classless Society
- Due Monday 1/9/17
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 1/5/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel on the following pages...
- 625-627 Start at The Conservative Order, end at Conservative Domination: The Concert of Europe
- 634-635 Start at the Ideologies of Change, end at Nationalism
- Be prepared to compare the two different ISMS
- Due Friday 1/6/17
Daily Activities:
Finished impacts of IR - society, living conditions, economics
Started impact of IR on government - the ISMS
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 1/4/17
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 706-716 (not as long as it sounds, really only about 5 pages of actual reading)
- Start at Social Structure of the Mass Society
- End at The Nation State
- Skip Opposing Viewpoints
- Due Thursday 1/5/17
Daily Activities:
Finished factory/working conditions
Started impacts of the IR - society, living conditions, economics
Journal Entry:
Read the excerpt from Spielvogel and summarize what impact the 2IR had on women.
Tuesday 1/3/17
•Write a letter (two paragraphs or more) as a factory worker to your boss
•Your letter should be asking for better working conditions so you can live better, take care of your family, etc…
- Potentially include what you are willing to do if your requests aren’t met
•This letter does not have to be in passive voice, but because it is from an employee to an employer it should be respectful
Due Wednesday 1/4/17
Daily Activities:
Conditions for workers in the IR
Journal Entry:
•What are the key aspects of an industrial revolution?
•Explain (based on what you know so far) if the Industrial Revolution in Britain has followed these aspects
•Be prepared to discuss as a class
12/21/16 - 1/2/17 1st Winter Break
Tuesday 12/20/16
None, have a great break
Daily Activities:
Jigsawed working conditions in the Industrial Revolution
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/19/16
Get into groups of 4 - you pick and split up the following articles, be prepared to discuss with your group tomorrow in class
- Everyone reads Rules of the Factory
- Spielvogel 616 - 619 read the section Working Conditions for the Industrial Working Class
- Documents of Unsanitary Conditions
- Evidence of Chimney Sweep Child Labor Abuses
- Exceprts of Evidence of Abuse in the Mines
- Due Tuesday 12/20/16
Daily Activities:
Industrial Revolution development of new classes
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/16/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel
- 613 - 616 Start at New Social Classes: The Industrial Middle Class, end at Working Conditions for the Industrial Working Class
- Skip Opposing Viewpoints and Child Labor: Discipline in the Textile Mills
- 619 - 621 Start at Efforts at Change: The Workers, finish the chapter
- Have a way to read Philosphy of Manufacturers
- Due Monday 12/19/16
Daily Activities:
Start Industrial Revolution Background
Journal Entry:
Unit 3 - Enlightenment & Transatlantic Revolutions
Thursday 12/15/16
Prepare to turn in Unit 3 HW Packet and Journals
Research and take notes from Spielvogel
Daily Activities:
Unit 3 Exam
Unit 3 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 12/14/16:
Study for unit test
Daily Activities:
Wrap up unit
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 12/13/16:
Study for unit test
Daily Activities:
LA revolution jigsaw
Clarify LA revolutions
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/12/16
Read your two articles regarding your selected LA Revolution
Mexico - Before & After
Brazil - Before & After
Bolivia - Before & After
Your research should include the following information -
Daily Activities:
Finish Napoleon
Haitian Revolution
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/9/16
Daily Activities:
Wrap up French Rev.
Napoleon and his impacts
Journal Entry:
Thursday 12/8/16
Finish Napoleon research if you didn't in class today. Due by 10pm on
Research and annotate Haitian Revolution
Daily Activities:
Napoleon Articles - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Napoleon Research
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 12/7/16
Research pages 586 - 593 from Spielvogel
Daily Activities:
Finish French Revolution
Journal Entry:
•What is the most pertinent background information on Robespierre?
•What was Robespierre’s impact on France?
Tuesday 12/6/16
Research pages 577 - 586 from Spielvogel
Daily Activities:
French Revolution film
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/5/16
Read and compare Declaration of the Rights of Man to Declaration of the Rights of Woman
Due Tuesday 12/6/16
Daily Activities:
French Revolution
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/2/16
Daily Activities:
Started discussion regarding French Revolution
Journal Entry:
•How might the American Revolutionary War impact the French Revolution?
Thursday 12/1/16
Research and critically read The Fall of Bastille & The Grievances of the 3rd Estates
Daily Activities:
Background on French Revolution
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/30/16
Read and take notes from 564-570
Daily Activities:
Finish Enlightenment
Enlightenment thinker research PP
Journal Entry:
•Summarize Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire’s writings and their beliefs.
Tuesday 11/29/16
Research and read Spielvogel 508-513
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/28/16
Research and read Spielvogel 503 - 508
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
What do you know about the nature v nurture argument
Wednesday 11/23/16
Research and read WH - Connecting Scientific Revolution to the Enlightenment
Tuesday 11/22/16
All Due tomorrow 11/23/16 -
All LA
Journal Entry:
Prepare to turn in Unit 3 HW Packet and Journals
Research and take notes from Spielvogel
- 604 - 606 Start at The Spread of the Industrial Revolution end at The Industrial Revolution in the United States
- 609 - 613 Start at The Social Impact of the Industrial Revolution, end at New Social Classes: The Industrial Middle Class
- Due Friday 12/16/16 - This is part of the Unit 4 HW Packet, do not turn this in with the packet tomorrow
Daily Activities:
Unit 3 Exam
Unit 3 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 12/14/16:
Study for unit test
Daily Activities:
Wrap up unit
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 12/13/16:
Study for unit test
Daily Activities:
LA revolution jigsaw
Clarify LA revolutions
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/12/16
Read your two articles regarding your selected LA Revolution
Mexico - Before & After
Brazil - Before & After
Bolivia - Before & After
Your research should include the following information -
- Background on your revolution, this should include any major events or people that were invovled in the revolution
- Causes for the revolution
- What was the structure of your nation before the revolution
- What was the structure of your nation after the revolution
- Was the revolution actualy impactful
Daily Activities:
Finish Napoleon
Haitian Revolution
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/9/16
Daily Activities:
Wrap up French Rev.
Napoleon and his impacts
Journal Entry:
Thursday 12/8/16
Finish Napoleon research if you didn't in class today. Due by 10pm on
Research and annotate Haitian Revolution
- Due Friday 12/9/16
Daily Activities:
Napoleon Articles - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Napoleon Research
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 12/7/16
Research pages 586 - 593 from Spielvogel
- Start at The Age of Napoleon, finish the chapter.
- Due Thursday 12/8/16
Daily Activities:
Finish French Revolution
Journal Entry:
•What is the most pertinent background information on Robespierre?
•What was Robespierre’s impact on France?
Tuesday 12/6/16
Research pages 577 - 586 from Spielvogel
- Start at The Radical Revolution, end at The Age of Napoleon
- This is due on Thursday 12/8/16, it's a little long
Daily Activities:
French Revolution film
Journal Entry:
Monday 12/5/16
Read and compare Declaration of the Rights of Man to Declaration of the Rights of Woman
Due Tuesday 12/6/16
Daily Activities:
French Revolution
Journal Entry:
Friday 12/2/16
Daily Activities:
Started discussion regarding French Revolution
Journal Entry:
•How might the American Revolutionary War impact the French Revolution?
Thursday 12/1/16
Research and critically read The Fall of Bastille & The Grievances of the 3rd Estates
- They aren't too long, seems like they are longer than they are
- Due Friday 12/2/16
Daily Activities:
Background on French Revolution
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/30/16
Read and take notes from 564-570
- Start at The Beginning of the Revolutionary Era, end at The French Revolution
- Due Thursday 12/1/16
Daily Activities:
Finish Enlightenment
Enlightenment thinker research PP
Journal Entry:
•Summarize Montesquieu, Rousseau, and Voltaire’s writings and their beliefs.
Tuesday 11/29/16
Research and read Spielvogel 508-513
- Take notes
- Start at The New "Science of Man," end at The Social Environment of the Philosophes
- Print or have way to read Montesquieu Balance of Power
- Due Wednesday 11/30/16
Daily Activities:
- Looked at the works of the following Philosophes:
- Mary Wollstonecraft
- Michel De Montaigne
- Thomas Paine
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/28/16
Research and read Spielvogel 503 - 508
- Finish at The Science of New Man
- Crtitically Read and take notes
- Due Tuesday 11/29/16
Daily Activities:
- Finished discussion regarding Scientific Revolution
- Connected Scientific Revolution to Enlightenment
- Started discussion regarding Nature v Nurture
Journal Entry:
What do you know about the nature v nurture argument
- If you understand the argument explain why it is a big deal
Wednesday 11/23/16
Research and read WH - Connecting Scientific Revolution to the Enlightenment
- Critically read and annotate - have a way to access this article in class
- Print or have a way to read one of these (remember we split it up in class on Wednesday, if you were absent just pick one)
- Due Monday 11/28/16
Tuesday 11/22/16
All Due tomorrow 11/23/16 -
- HW Packet and Journals from Unit 2
- Read and research WH on the Scientific Revolution
- Critically read and annotate, make sure you have a way to access the article in class tomorrow
- Write a thesis statement that answers the following prompt - Argue the cause of the Scientific Revolution
- The thesis statement doesn't need to be perfect, you only need to have an argument developed. We will discuss them in class, but you aren't turning in the thesis.
- Have a way to read WH - The revolution in cosmology
- Have a way to read What is Scientific Authority
All LA
Journal Entry:
Unit 2 - English Civil War & Absolutism
Monday 11/21/16
HW Packet and Unit 2 Journals due (remember journals include both SS & LA)
Daily Activities:
Unit 2 Exam
Unit 2 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/18/16
Daily Activities:
Finish work from yesterday, exam review.
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/17/16
Study for test
Read and answer questions pertaining to LA Absolutism
Due Friday 11/18/16
Daily Activities:
Absolutism in LA
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/16/16
Daily Activities:
Intro to Latin America & absolutism in LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/15/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages...
Absolutism Jigsaw - Also due today.
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/14/16
Research and critically read BIBF - Intro to absolutism in America
Final fall essay due today (online with works cited included) all process materials due today in class as well)
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/11/16
Daily Activities:
No Schoool
If you want to come and have me look at your essay (with a specific question) I will be in my office for the following hours...
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/10/16
Finish Absolutism jigsaw
Skim through chapter 14 in your text book (don't spend more than 45 minutes on this, at the absolute outside)
Gallery walk for 30YW poster
Discussion of 30YW
30YW Poster due
Journal Entry:
What was the greatest impact on society from the 30YW?
Wednesday 11/9/16
Research and take notes on Spielvogel pages 444-450
Continue working on essay final draft
Daily Activities:
Rough draft due today in class and online
Rough draft peer reviews
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/8/16
Work on essay
Work on absolutism jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Think Again Presentation
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/7/16
Start research for Absolutism Jigsaw
Jigsaw Groups
Jigsaw Readings Research is due on Monday, we will jigsaw on Tuesday.
Daily Activities:
Works Cited & OPVL due today (both due in class and online) - Moved research proposal to today.
Peer reviewed outline
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/4/16
Finish 30YW Poster - Due Tuesday 11/8/16
Finish Works Cited/OPVL & Research Proposal - Due Monday 11/7/16
Reminder your motivational posters are due on Saturday
Daily Activities:
Research Proposal due today. (Moved this to monday)
Command terms quiz retake
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/3/16
Study for command terms quiz
Work on outline
Work on 30YW posters
Daily Activities:
Work day for all of the above.
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/2/16
Start 30YW poster with group
30YW Groups and reading assignments
Civilian Life
Military Life
Money and Economics
Priests and Politics
Daily Activities:
30 YW
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/1/16
Daily Activities:
Motivational Poster workday
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/31/16
Motivational Posters
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
•Argue what the greatest horror movie of all time is.
–If you don’t like horror movies argue the greatest movie of all time.
Friday 10/28/16
Daily Activities:
Library research day for fall essay (4th period)
Journal Entry:
Thursday 10/27/16
Answer the following prompt:
Daily Activities:
ECW Questions
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/26/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
•Opinion: Should the public be able to remove a tyrant from power? If so, how?
Tuesday 10/25/16
Research and annotate WH 30YW
Fall essay research question
Daily Activities:
Library Research day for fall essay (3rd period)
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/24/16
Research and take notes on the 30 Years War (30YW) fromSpielvogel pages 439 - 444
Daily Activities:
Start ECW
Journal Entry:
Friday 10/21/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
HW Packet and Unit 2 Journals due (remember journals include both SS & LA)
Daily Activities:
Unit 2 Exam
Unit 2 Study Guide
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/18/16
Daily Activities:
Finish work from yesterday, exam review.
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/17/16
Study for test
Read and answer questions pertaining to LA Absolutism
Due Friday 11/18/16
Daily Activities:
Absolutism in LA
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/16/16
Daily Activities:
Intro to Latin America & absolutism in LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/15/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages...
- Administration of the Spanish Empire - 414-415
- The Impact of European Expansion 427-429
- start at The impact of European expansion, end at The Conquerors
Absolutism Jigsaw - Also due today.
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/14/16
Research and critically read BIBF - Intro to absolutism in America
- Due Tuesday 11/15/16
Final fall essay due today (online with works cited included) all process materials due today in class as well)
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/11/16
Daily Activities:
No Schoool
If you want to come and have me look at your essay (with a specific question) I will be in my office for the following hours...
- 6:45 - 8:45
- 12:15 - 3:00
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/10/16
Finish Absolutism jigsaw
Skim through chapter 14 in your text book (don't spend more than 45 minutes on this, at the absolute outside)
- You don't have to take notes or write anything down, but we will be talking about this on Tuesday/Wednesday next week. This should amost all be review from last year (age of expansion & conquistadors etc...) important stuff to cover is the following...
- Motives
- Means
- Refresh yourself on what/who conquistadors were
- Aztec/Inca/Maya
- Slave trade
- Missionaries
- Columbian exchange
- Encomienda System
- Skip anything outside of the Americas
Gallery walk for 30YW poster
Discussion of 30YW
30YW Poster due
Journal Entry:
What was the greatest impact on society from the 30YW?
Wednesday 11/9/16
Research and take notes on Spielvogel pages 444-450
- Start at The practice of Absolutism: Western Europe, end at The Decline of Spain
- Due Thursday 11/10/16
Continue working on essay final draft
Daily Activities:
Rough draft due today in class and online
Rough draft peer reviews
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/8/16
Work on essay
Work on absolutism jigsaw
Daily Activities:
Think Again Presentation
Journal Entry:
Monday 11/7/16
Start research for Absolutism Jigsaw
Jigsaw Groups
Jigsaw Readings Research is due on Monday, we will jigsaw on Tuesday.
Daily Activities:
Works Cited & OPVL due today (both due in class and online) - Moved research proposal to today.
Peer reviewed outline
Journal Entry:
Friday 11/4/16
Finish 30YW Poster - Due Tuesday 11/8/16
Finish Works Cited/OPVL & Research Proposal - Due Monday 11/7/16
Reminder your motivational posters are due on Saturday
Daily Activities:
Research Proposal due today. (Moved this to monday)
Command terms quiz retake
Journal Entry:
Thursday 11/3/16
Study for command terms quiz
Work on outline
Work on 30YW posters
Daily Activities:
Work day for all of the above.
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 11/2/16
Start 30YW poster with group
30YW Groups and reading assignments
Civilian Life
Military Life
Money and Economics
Priests and Politics
Daily Activities:
30 YW
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 11/1/16
Daily Activities:
Motivational Poster workday
- Due at the end of the period (email it to me by one of the people in your pair)
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/31/16
Motivational Posters
- Due at the end of the period on Tuesday
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
•Argue what the greatest horror movie of all time is.
–If you don’t like horror movies argue the greatest movie of all time.
Friday 10/28/16
Daily Activities:
Library research day for fall essay (4th period)
Journal Entry:
Thursday 10/27/16
Answer the following prompt:
- Argue the major impacts of the English Civil War?
- It only needs to be a thesis statement
- Find a minimum of two pieces of evidence to support your argument
- Analyze each piece of evidence
- Make sure it relates back to your thesis statement
- Consider using a paraphrase from one of your readings to analyze your evidence
Daily Activities:
ECW Questions
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/26/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
•Opinion: Should the public be able to remove a tyrant from power? If so, how?
Tuesday 10/25/16
Research and annotate WH 30YW
Fall essay research question
- Due Wednesday 10/26/16
Daily Activities:
Library Research day for fall essay (3rd period)
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/24/16
Research and take notes on the 30 Years War (30YW) fromSpielvogel pages 439 - 444
- Start at The Thirty Years War, end at The Practice of Absolutism: Western Europe
Daily Activities:
Start ECW
Journal Entry:
Friday 10/21/16
- Read and answer the questions on Actively Learn titled Leviathan and Second Treatise of Government
- Read and summarize Power of the Parliament (you don't need to annotate, just summarize the article)
- Make sure you have a way to access this article in class on Monday.
- Due Monday 10/24/16
Daily Activities:
- Library research day for fall essay (3rd period)
Journal Entry:
Unit 1 - Renaissance and Reformation
Thursday 10/20/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel on the ECW pages 462-467 all.
Daily Activities:
Part 2 of unit 1 exam - Multiple Choice
Introduce Fall Essay
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/19/16
Study for test
Daily Activities:
None PSATs
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/18/16
Study for test
Research Spielvogel on the ECW
Daily Activities:
Part 1 of Unit 1 Exam - Written Portion
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/17/16
Study for test
Research Wiesner - Hanks: English Civil War (ECW)
Daily Activities:
Counter Reformation - Extreme Catholicism
Journal Entry:
Friday 10/14/16
Daily Activities:
Protestant Reformation
Journal Entry:
Was Luther an agent of positive social change in Europe?
Thursday 10/13/16
Research and critically read Cuius Regio
Daily Activities:
Counter Reformation
Journal Entry:
•The spread and change of the church does not end in Germany with Luther. Develop a background of information regarding how the Reformation spreads and changes throughout Europe.
Lutheranism in Scandinavia
Zwingli’s Reformation
Henry VIII
Wednesday 10/12/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 393-400
Daily Activities:
All LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/11/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 380-387
Differences between the Catholics and Protestants
Counter Reformation Mini - Essay - Due Wednesday by 10PM on
Luther Video Citation Info
Journal Entry:
Define the Counter Reformation.
Monday 10/10/16
No School
Friday 10/7/16
Research and take notes Spielvogel pages 389-393
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 10/6/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 387-389
Daily Activities:
Luther Video
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/5/16
Finish Luther Reading Packet
Daily Activities:
Luther Video
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/4/16
Research and read from Spielvogel pages 374-377
Work on Luther Packet
Due Thursday 10/6/16
Daily Activities:
Northern Renaissance
Prelude to Reformation
Erasmus: In Praise of Folly
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/3/16
Research and take notes on Spielvogel pages 371-374
Research the Luther Packet
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Papacy.
Journal Entry:
Friday 9/30/16
Golden Meme
Due Monday 10/3/16
Daily Activities:
Art in the Renaissance
Renaissance Art
Journal Entry:
Thursday 9/29/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Define Humanism in your groups.
Wednesday 9/28/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 368-371
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Prince
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 9/27/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 361-364
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Humanism
Journal Entry:
Monday 9/26/16
Critically read your assigned article on Humanism, they will be assigned in class...
1 - Humanism Concept Formation
2 - An Introduction on Humanism
3 - Petrarch Father of Humanism
4 - Petrarch and Humanism by Paul Johnson
Pick one of the above articles and read it
Daily Activities:
Start the Renaissance
Journal Entry:
In your own words explain the purpose and use of paraphrasing in essays.
Friday 9/23/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 344-350
Library work day on Dante research assignment
Journal Entry:
Thursday 9/22/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages
Finish Papacy in Avignon and the Great Schism
Journal Entry:
•Explain Unam Sanctam, what is this document stating?
•Consider the following…
•Who wrote it
•When it was written
•How powerful of a statement it was
•What are the major outcomes?
•How did it impact the Papacy?
Wednesday 9/21/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages.
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 9/20/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Argue the major impacts of the Black Plague?
Monday 9/19/16:
Research and take notes on the Black Death from Spielvogel pages 301-306
Research and take notes from Spielvogel on the ECW pages 462-467 all.
- Read (it does not need to be a critical read or annotated) OPVL Guide
- Look over the OPVL Example Chart
- Look over the OPVL Chart
- Have a way to read Defense of Tyrannicide
- Due Friday 10/21/16
Daily Activities:
Part 2 of unit 1 exam - Multiple Choice
Introduce Fall Essay
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/19/16
Study for test
Daily Activities:
None PSATs
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/18/16
Study for test
Research Spielvogel on the ECW
- Due Wednesday 10/19/16
Daily Activities:
Part 1 of Unit 1 Exam - Written Portion
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/17/16
Study for test
Research Wiesner - Hanks: English Civil War (ECW)
- Print and annotate
- Have a way to read Divine Right
- Due Tuesday 10/18/16
Daily Activities:
Counter Reformation - Extreme Catholicism
Journal Entry:
Friday 10/14/16
Daily Activities:
Protestant Reformation
Journal Entry:
Was Luther an agent of positive social change in Europe?
Thursday 10/13/16
Research and critically read Cuius Regio
- Due Friday 10/14/16
Daily Activities:
Counter Reformation
Journal Entry:
•The spread and change of the church does not end in Germany with Luther. Develop a background of information regarding how the Reformation spreads and changes throughout Europe.
Lutheranism in Scandinavia
Zwingli’s Reformation
Henry VIII
Wednesday 10/12/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 393-400
- Start at Politics and the Wars of Religion in the Sixteenth Century, finish the chapter
- Due Thursday 10/13/16
Daily Activities:
All LA
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/11/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 380-387
- Start at The Spread of the Protestant Reformation, end at The Social Impact of the Protestant Reformation
- Have a way to read Debates about the Eucharist
- Due Wednesday 10/12/16
Differences between the Catholics and Protestants
Counter Reformation Mini - Essay - Due Wednesday by 10PM on
Luther Video Citation Info
Journal Entry:
Define the Counter Reformation.
Monday 10/10/16
No School
Friday 10/7/16
Research and take notes Spielvogel pages 389-393
- Start at the Catholic Reformation, end at Politics of Religion in the Sixteenth Century
- Due Tuesday 10/11/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Thursday 10/6/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 387-389
- Start at The social impact of the Protestant Reformation, end at The Catholic Reformation
- Due Friday 10/7/16
Daily Activities:
Luther Video
Journal Entry:
Wednesday 10/5/16
Finish Luther Reading Packet
Daily Activities:
Luther Video
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 10/4/16
Research and read from Spielvogel pages 374-377
- Start at The Rise of Lutheranism, finish at Germany and Reformation: Religion and Politics
- Define the following terms: Veneration, Pluralism, Relic, Indulgences.
- Print or be prepared to take notes on the Luther Video information.
- Due Wednesday 10/5/16
Work on Luther Packet
Due Thursday 10/6/16
Daily Activities:
Northern Renaissance
Prelude to Reformation
Erasmus: In Praise of Folly
Journal Entry:
Monday 10/3/16
Research and take notes on Spielvogel pages 371-374
- Start at Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany
- Due Tuesday 10/4/16
Research the Luther Packet
- You do not have to take notes like a normal critical read, write a brief paragraph that explains what each article is about
- Make sure you have a way to access the documents in class (either print or be able to read on your phone, etc...)
- Due by Thursday 10/6/16
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Papacy.
Journal Entry:
Friday 9/30/16
Golden Meme
Due Monday 10/3/16
Daily Activities:
Art in the Renaissance
Renaissance Art
Journal Entry:
Thursday 9/29/16
Daily Activities:
Journal Entry:
Define Humanism in your groups.
Wednesday 9/28/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 368-371
- Start at Prelude to the Reformation, end at Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Prince
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 9/27/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel 361-364
- Start at The Church in the Renaissance, and finish the chapter
Daily Activities:
Renaissance Humanism
Journal Entry:
Monday 9/26/16
Critically read your assigned article on Humanism, they will be assigned in class...
1 - Humanism Concept Formation
2 - An Introduction on Humanism
3 - Petrarch Father of Humanism
4 - Petrarch and Humanism by Paul Johnson
Pick one of the above articles and read it
Daily Activities:
Start the Renaissance
Journal Entry:
In your own words explain the purpose and use of paraphrasing in essays.
Friday 9/23/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel pages 344-350
- Start at The Intellectual Renaissance in Italy end at The Artistic Renaissance
- Due Monday 9/26/16
Library work day on Dante research assignment
Journal Entry:
Thursday 9/22/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages
- 340-344 - Start at The Italian States in the Renaissance end at The Intellectual Renaissance in Italy.
- Skip The letters of Isabella d'Este
Finish Papacy in Avignon and the Great Schism
Journal Entry:
•Explain Unam Sanctam, what is this document stating?
•Consider the following…
•Who wrote it
•When it was written
•How powerful of a statement it was
•What are the major outcomes?
•How did it impact the Papacy?
Wednesday 9/21/16
Research and take notes from Spielvogel from the following pages.
- 333-337 (stop after "Slavery in the Renaissance"). Take Notes
- Consider the causes of the Renaissance as you read this section.
- Due Thursday 9/22/16
Daily Activities:
- Finish Papal Corruption
- Start discussion of Renaissance
Journal Entry:
Tuesday 9/20/16
- Research and read (take notes) from Spielvogel pages 318-322 - Due Tuesday 9/20/16
- Start at Decline of the Church
- End at The Cultural World of the Fourteenth Century
- Be sure to read Boniface VIII's Defense of Papal Supremacy and understand Unam Sanctam
Daily Activities:
- Finish plagues
- Start Papal Corruption
Journal Entry:
Argue the major impacts of the Black Plague?
Monday 9/19/16:
Research and take notes on the Black Death from Spielvogel pages 301-306
- Start at The Black Death in Europe
- End at Peasant Revolt in France
- Make sure you read Opposing Viewpoints - Causes of the Black Death, and The Cremation of the Strasbourg Jews
- Due Tuesday%