Welcome Juniors! On this page you will find important information in order to have a successful journey through your history class this year. Below you will find multiple buttons, announcements/homework, and resources. Check your announcements/homework on a daily basis in order to make sure you are missing any important information.
During the year we will study multiple facets of US history. The first portion of this class will move fairly rapidly from pre-settlement through the Civil War. This information should have been covered in a prior social studies course. Think of this large period of time in US History as a survey or a review. Once we finish tackling the early period in US History we will slow way down. We will spend a great deal of time learning about political, and social events that occurred in the late 19th century and work our way up to post 9/11. Remember you are juniors now, so it is critical that you develop YOUR own organizational structure, and stay on top of your studies. |