Thursday 6/16/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: None - Last day of school Journal Entry: None Wednesday 6/15/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: None Journal Entry: None Tuesday 6/14/16 Homework: Have a great summer Daily Activities: Final Journal Entry: None Monday 6/13/16 Homework: Study for finals Daily Activities: No 3/4 today Journal Entry: None Friday 6/10/16 Homework: Study for finals Daily Activities: LAST DAY TO TURN IN LATE WORK Journal Entry: Thursday 6/9/16 Homework: Daily Activities: Eastern Europe 1989: Poland, Hungary, East Germany, Czechoslovakia, Romania Journal Entry: None Wednesday 6/8/16 Homework: Daily Activities: Reagan: Idealism, Star Wars, Cold War policies and their effects Journal Entry: None Tuesday 6/7/16 Homework: Daily Activities: Gorbachev: Inherited problems, Glasnost/perestroika and their consequences Journal Entry: None Monday 6/6/16 Homework: Daily Activities: China and the Cold War – Sino-Soviet Split, Triangular Diplomacy, Nixon’s Visit Journal Entry: None Friday 6/3/16 Homework: Daily Activities: Cuban Revolution Journal Entry: Thursday 6/2/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 317-322 - Start at Moscow's Ally in America's Backyard, end at Detente and Multipolarity. Due Friday 6/3/16 Daily Activities: Finish Motorcycle Diaries Start Cuban Revolution Journal Entry: None Wednesday 6/1/16 Homework: Critically read The Cuban Revolution - I will not accept notes for this read Due Thursday 6/2/16 Daily Activities: Start Motorcycle Diaries Journal Entry: None Tuesday 5/31/16 Homework: 1/2 table critically read Che's early Latin America Commentary & 1/2 table critically read Che on the 20th Century Due Wednesday 6/1/16 Daily Activities: Connecting LA to Cold War Journal Entry: •In your opinion what was the greatest factor that led to the building of the Berlin Wall? Monday 5/30/16 No School Friday 5/27/16 Homework: Critically read Onset of the Cold War - Will not accept notes for this particular read This assignment will not be included in the homework packet. Due Tuesday 5/31/16 Daily Activities: Starting to connect Latin America to the Cold War Journal Entry: Thursday 5/26/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor 314-317 the section titled The Revival of US Unilateralism in the Western Hemisphere Due Friday 5/27/16 Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: None Wednesday 5/25/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor 306-309 - The Anomaly of Berlin section & 311-313 The Final Berlin Crisis section Due Thursday 5/26/16 Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: None Tuesday 5/24/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 292-297 Start at The Era of Peaceful Coexistence, end at The Pursuit of Non-Alignment in the "Third World" Due Wednesday 5/25/16 Print and have parents sign permission slip for Motorcycle Diaries - If you don't want to watch the film that is OK, however, there will be an alternative assignment. Due Wednesday 5/25/16 Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: None Monday 5/23/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: None Friday 5/20/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Guest Speaker Journal Entry: None Thursday 5/19/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: None Wednesday 5/18/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Cold War Journal Entry: •Explain why the United States has the upper hand on the Soviet Union post WWII •Explain, in a basic sense, the relationship between the West and East immediately post WWII Tuesday 5/17/16 Homework: Finish Long Telegram or Novikov Telegram Daily Activities: All Lit Journal Entry: None Monday 5/16/16 Homework: Half the table critically read The Long Telegram & half the table critically read The Novikov Telegram As you read consider the following things... Who wrote it, what is their bias What are their main points How does the author feel about the opposing side How do you think this would impact foreign relations Due Wednesday 5/16/16 NOTE: I would highly recommend starting this early they are both about 12 pages long Daily Activities: Finished up ISI & Vargas, started Cold War build up. Journal Entry: Long thesis refute or prove question, see me if you need it. Friday 5/13/16 Homework: Finish reading assigned yesterday. Daily Activities: Finish film, start ISI & Vargas Journal Entry: Thursday 5/12/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 255 - 270
As you read through each section of text explain in your own terms how the Cold War escalates between the West & East. This is on top of the notes you have already done. Make sure you are specific and use examples from the text. Daily Activities: Haroun test, start film. Journal Entry: Wednesday 5/11/16 Homework: Complete the Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam assignment Due Thursday 5/12/16 Critically read - ISI & Nationalization Print or have a way to read Our America Due Friday 5/13/16 Daily Activities: Wrapped up introduction to Cold War Journal Entry: •First, What is ISI, and what caused it? •Second, how could ISI turn into a form of imperialism? Tuesday 5/10/16
Homework: Critically read - ISI & Vargas Due Wednesday 5/11/16 Daily Activities: Wrap up WWII - Tehran, Yalta, Potsdam and their implications for the future Nuremberg Trials (This will be brief) Journal Entry: Loosely define what the conferences were at Tehran, Yalta, and Potsdam
1 Comment
Monday 5/9/16 Homework: Read from Keylor 185-190 - Starting at Allied Plans for Liberated Europe, ending at The Destruction of the European Jews Read from Spielvogel 861-864 - Starting at Aftermath of the War, ending at Emergence of the Cold War You do not need to take notes. However, you do need to answer the following questions...
Due Tuesday 5/10/16 Prepare HW packets from Unit 8 - They are due at the beginning of the period on Tuesday 5/10 (not including the read that is due tomorrow) Daily Activities: Unit 8 Exam - Part 2 Journal Entry: None Thursday 5/5/16 Homework: Study for exam Daily Activities: Review Eastern Holocaust WWII as total war Overall impact of the war Reviewed for exam Journal Entry:
Wednesday 5/4/16 Homework: Read through the Eastern Holocaust PowerPoint, and figure out what the differences between the Western and Eastern Holocaust. Due Thursday 5/5/16 Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: In what ways did Jews resist or cooperate with Nazi's during WWII? Tuesday 5/3/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel 855-859
Battles project participation sheets Due Wednesday 5/4/16 Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: None Monday 5/2/16 Homework: Pick and critically read either Jewish Resistance or Cooperation Due Tuesday 5/3/16 Daily Activities: Gaelic Football Thing Journal Entry: None Friday 4/29/16 Homework: Critically read the following documentsDue Monday 5/2/16 Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: None Thursday 4/28/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor 181-185 Finish Reading article handed out in class. If you weren't in class select one of the five articles from yesterdays homework and read it. Due Friday 4/29/16 Daily Activities: All Social Studies
Journal Entry: What happened to people who resisted the Nazis during WWII? Don't just say they went to jail or were killed. Wednesday 4/27/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 175 - 181 Critically read Einsatzgruppen Account Either print or have a way to read your assigned article for class tomorrow - 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 All due Thursday 4/28/16 Daily Activities: All Lit Journal Entry: None Tuesday 4/26/16 Homework: Critically read French Resistance Account Due Wednesday 4/27/16 Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: None Monday 4/25/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 170-175
Daily Activities: Checked battles projects and had time to practice Journal Entry: None Friday 4/22/16 Homework: Work on Battles Project Daily Activity: Finished causes of WWII & Briefly went over who's who of WWII Journal Entry: Thursday 4/21/16 Homework: Work on Battles Project Daily Activity: Battles Project workday - Laptop carts in class, bring your own device if you want. Journal Entry: None Wednesday 4/20/16 Homework: Battles Project & Who's who of WWII Daily Activities: Battles Project workday - Laptop carts in class, bring your own device if you want. Journal Entry: None Tuesday 4/19/16 Homework: Battles Project & Who's who of WWII Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: Why did Germany and Italy get involved in Spain’s Civil War? Monday 4/18/16
Homework: Complete the following
Daily Activities: Post assessment Journal Entry: None Friday 4/8/16 Finish The Pianist Thursday 4/7/16 Holocaust speaker Wednesday 4/6/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: time between the wars test Journal Entry: None Tuesday 4/5/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Finish time between content Journal Entry: Monday 4/4/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Stalin Journal Entry: Thursday 3/31/16 Homework: Study for test Daily Activities: Stalin Journal Entry: Wednesday 3/30/16 Homework: Critically Read Gulag Labor Camps Daily Activities: CPU lab workday for Sophomore Project Journal Entry: Tuesday 3/29/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Finish Hitler, start Stalin Journal Entry: How was Hitler a good leader, while at the same time a terrible human? Monday 3/28/16 Homework: Critically read Legacy of the Russian Revolution and Civil War Due Tuesday 3/29 Daily Activities: Hitler and the rise of Nazis in Germany Journal Entry: Who was Ernst Rohm, what role did he play in the Nazi regime? Friday 3/25/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: All English today Journal Entry: None Thursday 3/24/16 Homework: Read from Keylor - No notes, just read
Due Friday 3/25 Daily Activities: Finished Mussolini & Italy Started Hitler & Germany Journal Entry: Using the notes you took from the film and the articles that you read last week write down the tenets of Fascism . Wednesday 3/23/16 Homework: Read from Keylor - No notes, just read
Due Thursday 3/24 Daily Activities: Journal: Tuesday 3/22/16
Homework: Reading notes Keylor 127-129 Read through Antisemitism up to WWII
Daily Activities: Peer review of 1st rough draft Journal: None Monday 3/21/16 Homework: Finish 1st rough draft Start reading Hitler Reading Packet
Daily Activities: Unit 6 Exam Due today -
Journal: None Friday 3/18/16 Homework: Study for Exam Daily Activities: Reviewed for Exam Mussolini Journal: Thursday 3/17/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Finish Russian Revolution Research Journal: None Wednesday 3/16/16 Homework: Finish Works cited, study for exam. Daily Activities: Peer review 2nd outline. Journal Entry: Tuesday 3/15/16 Homework: Daily Activities:
Monday 3/14/16 Homework: Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: What do you know about the Russian Revolution? Friday 3/11/16 Homework: Critically Read or take notes on Keylor 83-85 (Civil War and Allied Intervention in Russia) Due Monday 3/14/16 Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: Describe what life was like in Russia during the reign of the tsars. Thursday 3/10/16 Homework: Work on 1st outline Daily Activities: Film Journal Entry: None Wednesday 3/9/16 Homework: None Daily Activities:
Journal Entry: None Tuesday 3/8/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Library Research Day Journal Entry: None Monday 3/7/16 Homework: Soph Project Daily Activities: Film Journal Entry: None Friday 3/4/16 Homework: Work on sophomore project Daily Activities:
Outlining (See resources page) Russia Film Journal Entry: None Thursday 3/3/16 Homework: None Daily Activities: Finished Mexican Revolution (Mexican Const. of 1917) Introduced Russia Journal Entry: None Wednesday 3/2/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel 781-787 Due Friday 3/4/16 Print off Russia Land of the Tsars viewing guide Due Thursday 3/3/16 Daily Activities: Finish Mexican Revolutions, specifically discussed Mexican Const. of 1917 Journal Entry: To what extent does the Zimmerman Telegram impact US/Mexican relations? Tuesday 3/1/16 Homework: Work on soph project research Daily Activities: Mexican Revolution Daily Journal: Define the Mexican Revolution in one word? Monday 2/29/16 Homework: Critically read the following articles...
Daily Activities: Library workday on research Daily Journal: None Friday 2/26/16 Homework: Finish pamphlet and work on research for sophomore project. Daily Activities: Mexican Rev. film, and pamphlets Daily Journal: Thursday 2/25/16 Homework: Critically Read Constitution of 1917 Excerpts Daily Activities: Worked on pamphlet, and watched part of film. Daily Journal: What could Madero have done differently to avoid being executed? Wednesday 2/24/16 Homework: Read Keylor pages 194-198
Daily Activities:
Daily Journal: •Why is Diaz like a Neo-Caudillo? Tuesday 2/23/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Discussed Mexico up to the rise of Madero. Daily Journal: Based on what you remember about the Caudillos and how they ran Mexico, what do you think the response of the Mexican people was?
Monday 2/22/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Finished WWI, Treaty of Versailles. Daily Journal: Explain the closing moments of WWI. Friday 2/12/16 Homework: Pick three different topics that you are interested in researching over break.
Daily Activities: Reading debrief Introduced Sophomore Project. Daily Journal: What are your plans for second winter break? Thursday 2/11/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel pages 787-793
Daily Activities: WWI Presentations Daily Journal: None Wednesday 2/10/16 Homework: Practice for presentations tomorrow. Remember you need to email me a copy of your final PowerPoint so I can have it ready for your presentations tomorrow. Daily Activities: Homework debrief, compare Dulce and Pro Patria. Daily Journal: Define (as a group) what National Self Determination is. If you need to use your phone, that's OK. Then explain how national self determination has either been violated or upheld during WWI. Tuesday 2/9/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Keylor pages 58-62. Read the section titled Political and Economic Warfare
Print off Dulce and Pro Patria. Due Wednesday 2/9/16 Daily Activities: Discussed total war, and WWI propaganda. Daily Journal: Define propaganda, and explain how it impacts your daily life. Monday 2/8/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel 775-781
Daily Activities: Read (in class) the horrors of the trenches (if you want to print ahead of time please do so, we are going to read these on iPads)Discussed the articles, had a mini debate. Daily Journal: Using your reading notes write a brief summary (at most 1 paragraph) of why the Triple Entente and Central Powers were stalemated? Also using your notes, write a brief summary about what the Great Slaughter was (at most 1 paragraph). You should have two paragraphs when you are done with your journal entry for today. Friday 2/5/16 Homework: Work on Battle Project over the weekend. Daily Activities: Finished first battle of Marne & Tannenberg Forest, worked on Battle Project in class.
Daily Journal: Explain what "Daily Life in the Trenches" was like during WWI. Thursday 2/4/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel pages 770-775
Daily Activities: 1st Battle of Marne & Tannenberg Forest Introduce mini-battles project Daily Journal: None Wednesday 2/3/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Discussed the prelude to war, and worked on skills (analysis) in class. Daily Journal: Explain why the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by Princip is the catalyst that started WWI? Tuesday 2/2/16 Homework:
Daily Activities: Discussed the start of WWI including
Daily Journal: Based on what we have discussed over the last week, and prior unites, is there enough tension in Europe to spark WWI, or does there need to be more? Monday 2/1/16
Daily Activities:
Daily Journal: Based on your reading summarize why Great Britain, Germany, and France wanted to expand?
Friday 1/29/16 Homework: Critically read from the Keylor text:
Daily Agenda:
Daily Journal Entry: What is the difference between imperialism by land and by sea. Explain in your journal what the difference is and include examples of both. Thursday 1/28/16 Homework: Study for quiz on Neo-Colonialism & Imperialism Daily Agenda: Finish Imperialism Daily Journal Entry: Define Imperialism Wednesday 1/27/16 Homework: Critically read - Impact of Imperialism Due Thursday 1/28/16 Daily Agenda: Start Imperialism, worked on analysis skills. Daily Journal Entry: Tuesday 1/26/16 Homework: Read and take notes from Spielvogel 745-753 Due Wednesday 1/27/16 This is on Imperialism, we aren't going to take a lot of time on this, you should have received a fair amount on it last year. This is designed to jog your memory. Daily Agenda: Neo - Colonialism in Latin America Daily Journal Entry: Predict (it’s OK to be outlandish) what impact the Industrial Revolution had on Latin America? Monday 1/25/16
No School 1/22/16 No Class 1/21/16 Homework Study for exam Daily Activities Final Exam Unit 4 Homework packet due. Final Exam Study Guide Link to Fall SS Essay Reflection - Fall Essay Reflection
1/19/16 Homework Study for final exam Daily Activities Review 1/15/16 Homework Study for final exam Daily Activities Finished Nationalism and the Unification of Germany, studied for final 1/14/16 Homework None Daily Activities Discussed Nationalism & the Unification of Germany. 1/13/16 Homework Read and take notes from Spielvogel
Daily Activities Nationalism 1/12/16 Homework Read and take notes from Spielvogel
Nationalism & Start Unification of Italy 1/11/16 Homework Read and take notes from the following portion of Spielvogel
1/8/16 Homework Read and take notes on Spielvogel pages 638-646
Daily Activities Today we discussed the remaining portion of the 2 Industrial Revolution
1/7/16 Homework Read the following information from Spielvogel
Daily Activities We finished discussing the articles we read in class yesterday, we debriefed the homework, and we started discussing the 2nd Industrial Revolution. 1/6/16 Homework Create a picture that illustrates life during the Industrial Revolution, it should include the following...
Daily Activities
1/5/16 Homework Read and take notes on pages 615-621 - Due Wednesday 1/7/16
Finished the Industrial Revolution background, started to discuss social issues that surround the IR. Read the articles Rules of the Factory and Philosophy of the Manufacturer in class, and discussed. 1/4/16
Homework Read and take notes on pages 609-615 in Spielvogel - Due Tuesday 1/5/16
Introduction to the unit, started to discuss Industrial Revolution background Friday 12/18/15 Homework Daily Activities Thursday 12/17/15 Homework Daily Activities Wednesday 12/16/15 Homework Study for Unit 3 exam Latin American Revolutions Daily Activities Discussed Latin American Revolutions Tuesday 12/15/15 Homework Critically read your assigned articles, these are kind of long so I would start early on this.
Daily Activities Discussed Haitian Revolution Monday 12/14/15 Homework Critically read Haitian Revolution - Due Tuesday 12/15/15 Daily Activities Fall essay final draft due today Friday 12/11/15 Homework Final essay due Monday 12/14/15 Daily Activities Worked on final drafts for fall essay Fall essay works cited due today Thursday 12/10/15 Homework Bring laptop if you have one for class tomorrow we are working on the essay Daily Activities Discussed & notes on Napoleon in Europe Wednesday 12/9/15 Homework Read your assigned article, summarize the article you don't have to critically read or take full reading notes.
Peer edit rough drafts Fall essay rough draft due today Tuesday 12/8/15 Homework Rough draft for fall essay due Wednesday 12/9/15 Print 3 copies of your rough draft and bring them to class on Wednesday Daily Activities Discussed Rights of Man v Rights of Women Monday 12/7/15 Homework Read and take notes on Spielvogel 586 - 593. Due Tuesday 12/8/15
Worked on essay in class Friday 12/4/15 Homework Work on essay Daily Activities Fall essay outline due Sunday 12/6/15 @ midnight Watched film on French revolution & worked on essay in class Thursday 12/3/15 Homework Bring your laptops to class on Friday (if you have one) because we are working on essays in class with the laptop carts. Outline for fall essay due Friday 12/4/15 Daily Activities Watched film on French Revolution Wednesday 12/2/15 Homework Critically read the following articles (they aren't that long)
Daily Activities Watched film on French Revolution Tuesday 12/1/15 Homework Prompt selection for essay due on Wednesday 12/2/15 Print the French Revolution Video Chart due on Wednesday 12/2/15 Daily Activities Discussed lead up to and the first portion of the French Revolution. Monday 11/30/15 Homework Read and take notes from Spielvogel pages 567-573
Daily Activities Finished discussion regarding Paine Discussed religion during the enlightenment Wednesday 11/25/15 Homework None Daily Activities Started Enlightenment discussion on Wollstonecraft, Montaigne, and Paine Tuesday 11/24/15 Homework Read your assigned article from class -
Daily Activities Introduced and started on Fall Essay Possible Research Questions/Prompt Sheet - Due 12/2/15 Writing Resources (Also found on resources page) Monday 11/23/15 Homework None Daily Activities All English Friday 11/20/15 Homework None Daily Activities French Enlightenment jigsaw Thursday 11/19/15 Homework None Daily Activities Finish mini-presentations, finished HW from last night Wednesday 11/18/15 Homework
Daily Activities Discussed reading from HW, and started mini-presentations Tuesday 11/17/15
Homework Read and take note on the following from Spielvogel
Daily Activities Introduction to Enlightenment and the rest of the unit Monday 11/16/15 Homework Daily Activities Unit 2 Exam Unit 2 HW Packet Due (Make sure it has the cover sheet, and is ready to go at the beginning of the period) Friday 11/13/15 Homework Study for exam Daily Activities Review Day for exam Thursday 11/12/15 Homework Daily Activities Intro to Latin America Wednesday 11/11/15 Homework Daily Activities No school - Veterans Day Tuesday 11/10/15 Homework Critically read - BIBF Birth of Spanish America - Due Thursday 11/12/15 Make sure you have a way to read the article in class we are going to do some discussion with it and you might want to have it Daily Activities Latin America Map QuizNew world movement Monday 11/9/15 Homework
Think again (assembly for sophomores) Friday 11/6/15 Homework Study for Map Quiz - Quiz on Monday 11/9/15 Daily Activities Absolutism Gallery Walk Thursday 11/5/15 Homework Absolutism Jigsaw - Due Friday 11/6/15 Daily Activities Work day for Absolutism Jigsaw Wednesday 11/4/15 Homework Absolutism research Non-Spielvogel readings...
Daily Activities Introduced and worked on Absolutism Jigsaw Tuesday 11/3/15 Homework Finish 30 Years War Posters - Due Wednesday 11/4/15 Take Writing Survey - Due Wednesday 11/4/15
Daily Activities Finish 30 Years War (Life in the War) Monday 11/2/15 Homework Complete the following:
Started 30 Years War Friday 10/30/15 Homework Complete the following
Daily Activities Our First Revolution discussion and skills work Thursday 10/29/15 Homework Complete the following
Daily Activities Hobbes & Locke Wednesday 10/28/15 Homework Complete the following
Daily Activities
Tuesday 10/27/15 Homework Complete the following
Daily Activities
Monday 10/26/15
Homework: Complete the following
Daily Activities:
Friday 10/23/15 Homework Read and answer questions on Actively Learn - James on Divine Right. Due Monday 10/26 Daily Activities Unit 1 Renaissance & Reformation Homework Packet Due Unit 1 Exam - Renaissance & Reformation Monday 10/19/15 Homework Critically read Cuius Regio? - Due Tuesday 10/20 Print and bring to class Burning Convictions Viewing Guide - Due Tuesday 10/20 Study for exam - Study Guide Daily Activities Discussed counter reformation Friday 10/16/15 Homework Read and take notes on the following pages in Spielvogel 395-400. Due Monday 10/19
Thursday 10/15/15 Homework Read and take notes on the following pages in Spielvogel 389-395. Due Friday 10/16
Wednesday 10/14/15 Homework None Daily Activities PSATs & Digital Citizenship Tuesday 10/13/15 Homework Read and take notes on the following pages in Spielvogel.
Start Reformation Monday 10/12/15 Homework None Daily Activities No School Today Friday 10/9/15 Homework None Daily Activities Started film on Luther's life Thursday 10/8/15 Homework Luther Reading Packet - Due Friday 10/9 Daily Activities Discussed the following...
Wednesday 10/7/15 Homework Luther Reading Packet Print Luther Viewing Guide - Due Thursday 10/8 Daily Activities Discussed the following...
Tuesday 10/6/15 Homework Luther Reading Packet Daily Activities Discussed the following...
Monday 10/5/15 Homework Daily Activities Start the Luther Reading Packet. You do not have to critically read or take notes on the packet. Howerver, you do need to write a 1-2 paragraph summary of each of the articles as you read. Due Friday 10/9 Daily Activities
Friday 10/2/15 Homework Read and answer questions regarding the article Attacks on Church Power, which can be found on Actively Learn. Due Monday 10/5 Daily Activities
Thursday 10/1/15 Homework None Daily Activities Pop quiz Fire Drill Wednesday 9/30/15 Homework None Daily Activities
Tuesday 9/29/15 Homework Read (You do not need to take notes or critically read) 368-371. Start at Prelude to Reformation finish at Martin Luther and the Reformation in Germany. Due Wednesday 9/29 Daily Activities Finished Medici film, extra time for LA. Monday 9/28/15 Homework Read and take notes from Spielvogel 319-321 & 362-364. Due Tuesday 9/29 Daily Activities
Friday 9/25/15 Homework Read and take notes from Spielvogel pages 344-350. Start at The Intellectual Renaissance in Italy, end at The Artistic Renaissance. Due Monday 9/28 Daily Activities
Thursday 9/24/15 Homework Critically read your assigned article on Humanism, they will be assigned in class... 1 - Humanism Concept Formation 2 - An Introduction on Humanism 3 - Petrarch Father of Humanism 4 - Petrarch and Humanism by Paul Johnson Be prepared to discuss in class. Due Friday 9/25/15 Daily Activities
Wednesday 9/23/15 Homework Read the following...
Daily Activities Finish up Black Death and Middle Ages. Tuesday 9/22/15 Homework Critically read Primary Account of Black Death. Due Wednesday 9/23 Read and take notes on Spielvogel pages 300-305. Due Wednesday 9/23 Daily Activities Black Death Monday 9/21/15 Homework Read and take notes on Spielvogel pages 300-305. Due Tuesday 9/22 Daily Activities
Friday 9/18/15 Homework
List for Map Quiz Daily Activities Discussed the value of a source. Thursday 9/17/15 Homework Read the assignment that corresponds with your group number. Reminder, you do not need to critical read or take notes on these all you need to do is write a short paragraph that summarizes what you read. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 All Due on Friday 9/18 Study for the Map Quiz. We will take this quiz on Monday 9/21. See below for a list of countries/cities etc... that you need to know, along with a map to practice on. Practice Map List for Map Quiz Daily Activities Part 2 of common assessment. Wednesday 9/16/15 Homework Only homework for this evening is studying for the map quiz. Study for the Map Quiz. We will take this quiz on Monday 9/21. See below for a list of countries/cities etc... that you need to know, along with a map to practice on. Practice Map List for Map Quiz Daily Activities 1st part of the common assessment. Tuesday 9/15/15 Homework Only homework for this evening is studying for the map quiz. Study for the Map Quiz. We will take this quiz on Monday 9/21. See below for a list of countries/cities etc... that you need to know, along with a map to practice on. Practice Map List for Map Quiz Daily Activities Discussed the following information... –Understand the rise of the Papacy –Understand how the Church and government became joined together, and how the Pope began to become corrupt –Understand the structure of the Church Monday 9/14/15 Homework Critically read the following documents/pages in Spielvogel in this order... Spielvogel 189 (Start at the Power of the Pope) to 190 (Finish at The Monks and Their Missions) The Petrine Doctrine According to Leo I (You do not need to answer the questions at the end) Spielvogel 279 (Start at The Recovery and reform of the Catholic Church) through 281 (Finish the page) ALL OF THE ABOVE READINGS ARE DUE TUESDAY 9/15 Begin studying for the Map Quiz. We will take this quiz on Monday 9/21. See below for a list of countries/cities etc... that you need to know, along with a map to practice on. Practice Map List for Map Quiz Daily Activities Discussed the following information...
Friday 9/11/15: Homework Complete the Feudalism graphic that was assigned in class. If you need further clarification on this please see the attachment. The attached examples are not in color. However, I expect your examples to be colorful. This will be due at the BEGINNING of class on Monday. Feudalism Feudalism Examples Print (If you don't want to print it, but will be able to access it on a device on Monday that would be fine too) and read the article "How did a failed treaty between medieval combatants come to be seen as the foundation of liberty in the Anglo-Saxon world?" (You do not need to critically read this article, just read and be prepared to discuss on Monday). ALL HOMEWORK DUE MONDAY Class Activities Today we discussed the Vikings, and drew on their connections to Feudalism. We also began to work on our Feudalism graphic. Thursday 9/10/15: Homework Read and take notes on Spielvogel 223-229. Start at The Emerging World of Lords and Vassals end at The Zenith of the Byzantine Civilization. Class Activities Today we finished discussing the importance of Charlemagne. When studying for the exam consider the following in regards to Charlemagne...
Wednesday 9/9/15: Homework Actively Learn reading Charlemagne. - Due 9/10 Class Activities Today we watched a film about Charlemagne and learned how to use Actively Learn. Tuesday 9/8/15: HOMEWORK None Class Activities First day for me, introductions. |